
Showing posts from August, 2024

What I learned about investing long term

Last year, I decided to save money by working at a resort job for two years, starting with 100,000 yen on hand. I wanted to see if I can save money without having a special skill and the results have been better than I intended. If I make sure I have money on a surplus at the end of the month, I'm on the right path. The one habit that led me not to worry about money anymore When I started to have some spare money, I started to invest the money. In this post, I will talk about what I learned about long term investing, the main benefit, and the results so far. 30,000 JPY to invest We already know from the best seller book, " The Richest Man in Babylon ," taking 10% of your income to invest to become wealthy long term. This basically forces you to have a surplus every month. I went on to read more finance books, but I still think that's the best answer. Investing 10% to 25% of your take-home pay brings good results over the long run. How much do I need? I didn't real

The one habit that led me not to worry about money anymore

  I seem to be doing a lot better with money now. Some people make a lot of money but are always short of money, while others make less but manage to get by pretty well. I've lived my life without paying much attention to money, putting priorities towards curiosity and experience over saving. During Covid, finance was very stressful and I realized I need to better manage my finances.  Come to think of it now, there is just one habit I made sure I stick to that helped me to grow my bank account every month. It's obvious but so many people including myself just a few years back couldn't do. And I want to share my experience wih you. End each month with a positive balance Nothing fancy but it's so true. Credit cards are the worst thing because it distracts you from making sure you end the month with a positive balance. The rewards, the cash backs... If you can really control it, then it might be better to make full use of them. But my bank account is in better shape withou

I'll start blogging about finance and life advices in English!

  I was initially writing this blog in Japanese, but I seem to have a lot more audiences outside of Japan. I decided to write my future posts in English!! So, in this post I want to introduce myself and organize what I want to explore in this blog. About me I was born in Japan and grew up in the Bay Area, San Francisco, California. My family background is in banking, editing, and trading, and that's basically what I've been doing as well. My father led me to start investing when I was in highschool. I worked for a private bank in Singapore after graduating university, and went on to become a writer and translator to pursue a less stressful path with more autonomy. After Covid, I realized my passion is in food, so I started traveling countries considered to have a rich food culture. *I also run a food blog here . I started from Southeast Asia in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam, and I'm now in Japan where I am from, exploring the different food culture here.  I wil


    8月になりましたね!  7月まではリゾバしながら月の収支を記録してきた。それは続けつつ、NISAの投資成績を公開していくことに。 リゾバは特別なスキルがなくても誰でもできるし、基本衣食住が提供されるので毎月の収支を比較的簡単にプラスにできるのがメリット。 それを公開していくのは自分のための良い振り返りになるし、 リゾバをすることを検討している人や、お金に対する不安が消えない人たちの参考になるかと思い、毎月自分の投資成績と家計の収支を公開します。 まずは今月の投資成績 7月が終わった時点の投資成績は+18345円。 日銀の0.25%追加利上げのサプライズもあっていっそう円高に。 一時的に含み益は飛ぶけど、大きい流れでは日本は円安体質になっていくみたい。 円高に動いてる間にしっかり買い増しできるよう淡々と積立🍀 #金投資 #オルカン #米国債券 #NISA #円高 — 青海 龍の人生攻略 (@ryu_aomi_wisdom) July 31, 2024 *新NISAが始まるのをきっかけに2023年12月から毎月3万円、積立開始。 7月半ばくらいまでは+40000円にいった。その後10円ほどの円高で含み益が半減。 でも円高は買い増しチャンス。積立は継続。入金力を上げられるよう自分の稼ぐ力も磨く。 参考: 月3万円積立投資していったら30年後にいくらになるか、計算してみた 投資を始める前に読んでおくべき本3冊! 今月の収入 収入は25.6万円でした。 7月暑い…暑いと魚が売れにくく、インバウンド客がかなり減りました。 暑いし雨も多く、早めに店を閉めてたので少し前より労働時間が減った。 そういう時期もある。春や初夏より体調も不調気味。 少しゆるめに過ごしたほうがよさそう。 今月の支出 合計24.9万円。 健康保険・年金・所得税: 3万 家賃・光熱費:2万円 外食:2万 自宅用食材:4.3万円 書籍:0.4万円 交際:1.1万円 雑貨:1.7万円 お酒:1.1万円 交通費:3千円 その他:3.8万円 合計:19.9万円 毎月の積立: 5万は継続 5万円を3万円投資、1万円を生活防衛積立、1万円をオランダ移住の積立にしています。 支出にこの5万円を足すと、 総支出は24.9万円。 収入 25.